Ms. M:

Running With Scissors

January 19, 2006

Posting or Boasting?

My BF, Pablo, believes that we bloggers (as addicted to blogging as we all are) are losers. I think he believes this because he imagines us sitting in front of our computers mostly all day awaiting breathlessly for any and all comments to our blogs and posting on the strangest shit ever.

Pablo has decided that we bloggers think that we are so clever that we have to validate each other's cleverness by blogging with each other back and forth.

So yes, we're fucking clever Pablo Fucktard! Aren't you jealous?

Nope, he's not. So he says. I bet he wishes he had the opportunity to play this way! He's stuck in a new job he hates.

Neiner, neiner, neiner!!

He believes that what we do shouldn't be called "posting", but rather "boasting."

He's an assface.

Pablo is going to get a beating this weekend, and not the good kind! I wonder if my foot will fit up his junk? I'm going to wear golf shoes.
I don't think we're losers at all. We have just found the creative outlet we needed to vent our frustrations, ills, ridiculings, hecklings, and annoyances. It is simply an added bonus that we get to comment on each other's postings and allow us to become "blog friends." I look forward to hearing what my newfound friends have to say about my rantings, ravings, and bullshit. I ENJOY reading what your days are like and the asshats you all have to deal with.

So to all of my fellow "alleged blog losers" I say THANK-YOU for being my pal and visiting my blog!

Now Pablo is saying that "pal" is an acronym for Personal Ass Licker.

Blow me Pablo.


At 1/20/2006 12:13 AM , Blogger Imez said...

I'm new, but BF means "boyfriend", right? Could it possibly stand for "farting-upon-the-happiness-of-the-woman-I-love"?"

No, no, I don't suppose that fits.

Now, bend over and lets get down to that ass-licking.

At 1/20/2006 1:16 AM , Blogger Queenmatrai said...

OK I admit...
I'm a bloggerholic too...


At 1/20/2006 5:22 AM , Blogger Ms. M said...

Esereth - thanks for coming to see me! Yes, BF is Boyfriend, but your definition is pretty good too. Pablo is my nickname for him. An inside joke between he and I really.

Noojes - You're in good company!

At 1/20/2006 11:11 AM , Blogger Ms. M said...

I think he was simply making fun, but like you said, he doesn't know anyone I'm blogging with. I think he's jealous more of the time I DON'T spend with him. I'm blogging even when we talk on the phone while he's working and he doesn't see me much except on the weekends so I guess I should set up a scientific study to see if it's the blogging itself or the time ignoring him... :P


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