A textbook definition of cowardice
A textbook definition of cowardice - Countdown with Keith Olbermann - MSNBC.com
Keith Olbermann hit this one right on the head.
Fox News needs to be shut down by the FCC. They call themselves a news channel. They're more like hate mongering, witch hunting, extreme right wing conservative loving, Bush ass licking, fuckwads. Rupert Murdock should die of gonnorhea and rott in hell for this unbelievably GOP loving station he's created. Whatever happened to truth in journalism? Whatever happened to "fair and balanced" as they claim to be?
GWB has them doing his dirty work. Rewriting history with a bunch of bullshit he serves up steaming hot.
Shame on you Fox News.
You don't report news, you INVENT it.
nihilistic: I hope to never know that experience! EW is right!
Mr.F: Yes, my soap box is quite tall, in fact, it has made me afeared of heights! EEEEK! Why does everyone look so small? Hehehee...
Just droppin by to say hey
Its been a while :(
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