Waxing Random....and Exhausted
I'm bummin'.
I'm low on funds between pay days (get paid in 2 weeks) after paying my bills. Mr. D asked me if getting my nails done was really a priority. To ME it IS a priority, however I know I have other expenses to worry about.
What sucks is, I haven't had my nails filled in for 4 weeks now. I was attempting to save money by not filling them in and just manicuring them myself. I didn't want to go farther than 4 weeks between fill-ins because that is just taking a risk of some serious injury if you're not careful, as well as possible fungus. Now they are way grown out so I've had to file them down, but they need some professional attention and I can't get them done! They are seriously scary right now too.
I almost fell asleep on the way to work today. I swear I haven't done that in a while! I was just so tired! It might have something to do with my taking a hydrocodone last night. My doc gave them to me for the bitch ass cramps I've been having. They always make me seriously drowsy so I take them later in the day or at night when I won't be leaving the house. I think the side effects have carried over into the next day. Damn! I need my tempurpedic!!!
Also high on the suck meter: I started a new diet today. the Fat Buster diet by Dr. Ian K. Smith of Celebrity Fit Club fame. It's a simple diet and I think it will work great, but it's a diet. DIET is a four letter word. It fucking sucks. But, I'm going to give this one the old college try and see if I can drop about 10 pounds within the next 9 days. It's no meat for 9 days, no coffee, no sodas-diet or otherwise, no starchy potatoes or white rice, or pasta. I can have any veggie and fruit, brown rice, yogurt and lowfat or fat free milk and herbal tea. That's about it. Oh, I can have Oatmeal too. Big frickin' woop.
I'll live....I think.
Ok, I said it once already, I'm sayin' it again.
I don't know if I'm going to make it through this day. I don't remember ever feeling this tired at work before. I'm seriously draggin' ass and having trouble focusing my vision. I'm not likin' that at all!
I drank some English Breakfast herbal tea with caffeine. Didn't seem to give me any jolt of energy. I ate a banana too and I'm just feeling so sluggish! Gee-awd!
Oh well. C'est la vie.
I got cut off this morning by some moron in an older model Chevy Blazer. If you'll remember I wrote that I almost fell asleep while driving to work this morning. Luckily I was awake at that moment during my drive. This fuckwad tried to get into my lane (the right turn lane) to get on the interstate. There was not enough room for him, but that didn't stop him. He didn't signal or anything, just almost caused my death as he merged illegally. Fucker. I ALWAYS use my turn signals, I ALWAYS head check, I ALWAYS make sure there is PLENTY of room for me to merge prior to doing so, because I do not want to cause an accident, and I certainly don't want to get ticketed for one.
Driving in ATL sucks. It's one of the worst cities for commutes in the country. In fact I think we're number four or five. The average commute is something like 40 minutes, but mine is 1:30 to 1:40 at the minimum. Of course I live 45 miles from the office too so I guess that might explain it. Unfortunately, my job is also not one that allows for telecommuting. I manage employees and the operations of my company so I have to be here to make sure my team are doing their jobs. Fun stuff. I love my job, just hate the commute.
I need a vacation.
people who don't use turn signals? that's definitely one of my buttons. not using a turn signal says to me, "I own the road. I'll do whatever I want, so you better be paying attention". Grrrr!
Dawn--I have a lot of hot buttons when it comes to traffic. People suck at driving here.
Mr F--I bet there's a whole ecosystem under those nails of yours!
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