Whomever said "No Pain, no Gain" needs to DIE of Gonorrhea.
I'm back where I started before that damn Lupron Depot therapy. It feels as though someone has put my baby baker in a vice! Good GAWD! WTF?
That freakin' therapy was six months of hot flashes and irritability, but at least I didn't cramp for a while. Now that it's over I'm happy, but these cramps are as bad as they ever were.
My gyno tells me I can't have a hysterectomy since I haven't had symptoms.
That fucking Lupron was suppose to suppress my symptoms for six months, not cure my disease. The sure fire cure is a hysterectomy. This bitch is done spitting out puppies so why the hell can't I get the oven ripped out???
Apparently, according to Dr. R, I haven't had symptoms lately so my insurance would most likely deny coverage. Well, IMHO, I've been having symptoms for two years and the therapy was a temporary fix. I can't stay on the Lupron at 35 years old. I'm too fucking young for menopause. I won't be pausing men dammit! The Mr. can keep on keepin on, but the cramping is worse after the baby batter has been spewed so this bitch has gotta get fixed!
They gyno can leave me my ovaries and I won't go into "the change" until I'm older. That's cool with a bitch. I just want the cramping to stop and the only way to cure my disease is hysterectomy.
I'm so down with that.
The only downside to hysterectomy: I'm out of work six weeks. Well, that's not necessarily true. I could work from home. I'm cool with that. The last of the few times I've had to endure surgery and down time in the past, I got to work from home. The previous two? I went fucking crazy with boredom. I SOOO wouldn't be a good stay at home mom. Not that I don't like being around my son, but he's 16, he doesn't need me to wipe his ass (thank GAWD! He's so HAIRY!) and dress him or bathe him. I need something to keep me busy. Watching t.v. all day just makes me zone out and become dumber and dumber.
I guess I'm a career chick who needs to work. I just do. That's why this cramping bullshit is pissing this bitch way off. The pissed off meter has reached the red line people. But, I am not a raging byotch. I am cool, my usual self, which is SO cool...really. I'm just irritated and ready for some normalcy in my life.
No pain baby. No pain. My idea of euphoria.
Damn! This bitch is gonna be late for work if I don't get my ass in the shower!
oh my god...a baby baker...that is classc...I am stealing that!
I BEGGED the man doing my c-section to just rip the shit out after I had my son...thank goodness he didn't but I swear to you, I could have been the happiest bitch on the planet without a uterus...
Mr.F, I'm sorry I was so vague about how I feel. I will endeavor to be ever so clear in my next posts. Surely the ATL traffic will make my life sunny and bright :) Riiiiiiight.
peg, Steal away! I begged to have my tubes tied when I was in my mid 20's. I knew I was done. Nocando says the doc. ASSHOLE has no idea what it's like to be prego or go through a c-section after 21 hours of labor. It's enough to put you off having sex for a LONG time just to avoid the possibility of getting pregnant! IMHO, the world is over populated anyway!
I'm glad I have boy parts instead of girl parts!
remy, the pain is from have Endometriosis but inside the walls of the uterus. Any hormonal changes during the month and I'm cramping like I'm in labor. It sucks. I'm on Nuvaring and I only am supposed to have 3 periods a year. Woohoo! Still, I have pain because there is still hormonal activity.
nihilistic, considering yourself one lucky bastard! I've always been curious to know what it's like to be the opposite sex. I'd love a day to just change bodies and find out!
"I won't be pausing men dammit"
webmiztris, WORD!
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