Ms. M:

Running With Scissors

April 25, 2006

A Sister Needs Some Sleep!!!

Oy vey!! It's 3:50 AM and I woke up AGAIN! WTF?? Had a weird dream about an ex-boyfriend, possibly J's dad. Yes, it's between this one and D, my current BF. The dream I had was interesting. T, the ex in the dream, his wife HATED me. In real life, she is afraid I have designs on him, but I'm all about D. No worries for her there. But, this dream was strange. We had such a connection in my dream. Not sure if we would in real life. We haven't laid eyes on each other in about 13 years. I should know the answer to the paternity question on his side in about a week. Nervous doesn't even touch how I'm feelin' bout that! Truly, either T or D would be a great person for J to have as a dad. They've both said they want to be part of his life and develope a relationship. We'll see....

Okay, so I watched "24" tonight (BTW, I'm HOOKED), and I cannot believe the friggin' plot twists. For those of you who haven't been watching, Jack Bauer recovered a recording that implicates the current president in the assassination of the previous president. But, he gave it to save the life of his most recent ex-girlfriend. Now he's following the recording onto a chartered plane through the baggage compartment to get it back. DAMN, that show always reels me in so I HAVE to watch the next Monday. Thank Goddess for TiVo.

Tonight is "American Idol" and I KNOW several of you are watching. I've been watching since the 12 women and 12 men were picked. It was SO hard to watch the auditions. I can never do it. I get embarrassed for the losers who think they rock when they suck dick. So, I'm rooting for a couple of folks. I think if the American voters have any sense they'll keep Katherine McPhee and Elliot or Chris through the end. Katherine, by far, has the best, most controlled voice in the competition. She's not as exciting to watch as, say, Taylor Hicks, but his voice isn't that great, he's just a showman. I really like Elliot, but he's not as hawt as Chris, so I think we'll see Chris stay and be the last man standing with Katherine. BUT, so many people like Paris, but I just don't think she's as good a singer as KMcPhee. Don't get me started on Pickler. I know she's only made it this far on her cute, dumb, and likability factor, cause her voice sho ain't getting her anywhere! She's just not the caliber of singer that Catherine, Chris, or Elliott is.

Let me tell you how hard it is to keep a secret from the rest of my co-workers that I'm taking a new job. It BA-LOWS! I want to tell them, but I can't, not till I get my resignation in and a two-week notice given (I'm doing this on Thursday of this week). I'm going to be busier than hell after that. I'm already sort of working my new job, working with MSC on a couple of projects, but it ties in with my current job so it's not technically working for her yet. I'm still doing my job by working with her because her new company is providing a valuable service to us with my most hated customer who keeps me "busier than a one-armed paper hanger" (can anyone tell me where that movie quote came from and who said it? KB oughtta know it!). Still, I am SO looking forward to the new job! I'll miss my company, but I won't miss the fact that my customers abuse my kind and gentle nature (yes I am that way, ask KB) and take advantage of it continually. You see, I can't say no. D thinks that's why I get overloaded and fucked over at work. Yah, he's probably right, but I've been pushing back with my dickhead customer and they don't like it. They've taken it to the Sales Mgr and she's supporting me without truly supporting me. We've found a way to get the customer what they want, but for a fee. I won't have to provide specific ad-hoc reports (data they can get of the billing CD and billing flat file they'll be getting after their bill cycle ends) that they want me to manipulate the data so they only have to open the report and see what they want. So, IT will build the report for me, and because the customer didn't negotiate their reporting needs into their newly signed contract, we'll be charging monthly for them. HA! Take that Mr. ASS Customer. Try and fuck me into more work that isn't my job and I'll fuck you right back! Now, normally I would just do the work and end up working 60 or more hours a week to keep up with all of my customers' needs, but I just got fed up with being abused by this customer. I set a bad precedent early on with them by being on top of everything they asked for, but in the process, fucking my other customers by not being able to give them my attention...not much anyway. So, I've made it be known that I'll do the work, but in my own time based on the needs of all my customers. Plus, from previous posts, you'll note that this customer thinks every need is a fire drill and they needed it yesterday. Too fuckin' bad! DAMN I will NOT miss that customer!

Okay, you can tell I don't have any good stories to tell. I don't think I'm a born story teller like CP is. She has a much better memory than me, cause mine sucks. I think too much ganja ruined my short term memory! DAMN! But, I'm working on it and it's getting better, I think. Anyway, that's all I have to say in the middle of the night. I'm gonna try to get another hour or so of sleep before I begin the hellish ritual of trying to get my 15 year old son out of bed and ready for the school bus which leaves at 6:30. We BARELY made this morning. I drove him to the bus stop so he wouldn't be late and the bus was JUST pulling up. Amazing. Truly amazing how lazy and lackadaisical my kid is.

I gotta sleep a bit more!!! Later my favorite pals!


At 4/25/2006 2:08 PM , Blogger Jerrster said...

good grief what was it last night?...I was up at 3:30 AM myself....sheesh.

At 4/26/2006 4:37 AM , Blogger Ms. M said...

Jerry, I have NO idea, but it better quit! A bitch needs her sleep!

NG, I fucking hate insomnia. I have it every Spring, but I'm so stressed it's worse this year than the previous years!

Mr. F, Thanks for that fine welcome, now move over, I need tequila.

sage, If I wasn't afraid I'd blow to the size of an orca I'd take Ambien CR. I'm not risking that sleep eating thing. My ass is way big enough! Thanks for the 'sage' advice. I know. CHEEZE

At 4/29/2006 8:29 PM , Blogger Kelly said...

Two best: Katherine McPhee and Taylor Hicks (but I also love Chris)

Steele Magnolias

Yes, you are a sucker.

I'm still waiting to hear more about your new job! Email or call me!

At 5/08/2006 8:06 AM , Blogger phlegmfatale said...

being deprived and craving sleep is the WORST!

I'm SO glad Pickler is gone - and surprised - she sang off key almost every week since the competition began, and I can believe Simon and Randy didn't call her on it - tards.

Good for you for getting away from the needy and unreasonable customer. I did the same thing with my job, and it's just the fast track to burnout.


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