I've been TAGGED by Gidget!!!
Ms. Gidget Bones tagged me today.
My ear sure hurts were it went through. I don't know if the blood dripping from it really compliments my complexion either.
Hmmph. Oh well.
Here's the rules!
1. Go write weird facts/things/etc. about yourself in my comment box and on your site, then tag six more people!
2. Then leave a comment that says "You are tagged!" in their comments telling them to read your site.
6 Weird Things About Me
- I cannot eat raw tomatoes, but I will eat salsa. Go figure
- My feet look like Barney Rubble's feet from "The Flintstones"
- I had a mole in my belly button from birth that grew to be very large and raised. But when I got pregnant with my son, it started sticking out (I have an inny belly button) and eventually starting breaking off in peices until it was all gone. Now I'm mole-free there. Woohoo!
- I had to have my jaw repositioned with a monstrous appliance when I was in grade school because I had a very bad overbite. Now I have a perfect bite. Every dentist I've ever been to has remarked on it. Kinda weird, but nice to know at least one thing about me is perfect!
- My hair was straight until I gave birth to my son, now it spirals in the back and falls in waves on the sides. It sucks cause it looks stupid when it's curly so I have to straighten it to make it look decent, which also sucks.
- I love British sit-coms. They kill me! I even go around speaking in a British accent after I have watched them! Freak? Yup, right here!
Okay, now that I've given you a bit of weird info on me, I'm tagging the following fellow blog buddies. I luv ya!!!
KB was already tagged so I have to skip her dammit! So, Maven, CP, Jerry, Lily, Mr. F
and NonGirlfriend, you all have been tagged!
Thanks for playing along and not shooting me! I love british sitcoms and soaps! I do the same thing with the accent. But I actually pick up any accent around me!
Um, I don't "do" memes. I will, however leave my six things herein:
1. I have an anal fissure, mini-roid, whatever, that I have named "Bitsy." She's a real pain in the ass.
2. I never finish things I start. I always have six crochet projects and four books being read at any given point in time.
3. It annoys the frick out of me when I am out to dinner with picky eaters.
4. I contantly pluck my chin hair and shave my forearms.
5. I haven't had my period in two months.
6. I constantly scratch at my psoraisis behind my ears.
6 things... gotcha... I'll get right on that... after a bit more coffee... can't think with out the coffee..
Thanks for blogrolling me! Your blog is too cute!
Ok I posted my tag but I'm not putting it in here because 1. they are stupid and B. I'm lazy and another thing I've had too much coffee and MUST go eat. So you'll have to drag your ass all the way over to my blog to see them and be amazed.
CP as in Cranky Professor or CP as in Certifiable Princess.
There ARE two of us, you know. *bats lashes*
Just pick whoever you, you know, love more...*sniffle* *L*
CP. (the other white meat)
now I want to see your feet!
that hair thing is WIERD!
NG DAMN you're straaaaange! Teehee!
Lily you are a coffee HOUND!
fyrchk Glad to have you here!!!
CP of course I meant you!! If you click on your name in the post it'll take you right there! You're my girl!!!!
Webmiztris my feet scare little children and my BF. Yep, my hair sucks too. I hate it! I've thought of shaving it off and wearing a sultry, sexy wig! But, being the fat girl I am I would just look silly!
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