Ms. M:

Running With Scissors

April 11, 2006

Overworked, Underpaid, and Ready for the Cuckoo's Nest!

I'm a dumbass from hell. It's 6:42 AM and I have to leave my house no later than 7 AM to get to the other side of the city by no later than 8:30 AM (wish me luck in traffic hell). My kid is supposed to be in the shower, but that doesn't appear to be happening. I have wet hair, no makeup and I'm not dressed.

I'm a slacker extraordinaire!

I've been working this morning because my week is filled with meetings and bullshit that is keeping me from doing my regular job. It's killing me. I have SO much to do and just NO time.

Ya'll ever feel that way? I'm literally drowning in reports and bullshit that I need to do, but cannot because I have these lame ass, pompous bullshit, executive level meetings I am required to attend so I can listen to the droning on and on of self congratulation and kudos to those that are not me (fuck).

I'm way over it all. I just need to do my job dammit!

So, I'm sorry if you don't see much activity from me this week. I've got way too much work today and then family to take care of besides. I'll be lucky if I get to take a whopping dump this week!

Please speak kindly to this way stressed bitch. Or tell me something funny to break up my hell week. I'm hoping I don't bite off some unsuspecting co-worker (or my kid's) head this week.

Goddess help me!


At 4/11/2006 6:51 PM , Blogger Ms. M said...

NG, Hmmmm...tempting!

Mr. F, Is that my funny something to get me out of my funk? Mooo, I feel like cattle in traffic!

At 4/11/2006 8:44 PM , Blogger Fig said...

Mr Fab stole MY JOKE! That is MY joke! I even audio blogged it way back... lemme think... in February!

grumble grumble

Take it easy honey! Remember... take a bubble bath every night with a bottle of wine. God that sounds like a good idea...

excuse me.

At 4/11/2006 8:57 PM , Blogger Webmiztris said...

i can relate. I've been bored as shit with my freelance web design for the past 6 months and then THIS WEEK I got 3 websites dumped in my lap. It's feast or famine!

At 4/11/2006 10:09 PM , Blogger CP said...

la la la la la la la lala la la laaaaaaaa.

I sing for you. You feel better now? Me love you long time.

sucky sucky, figh dollah.


At 4/12/2006 4:40 AM , Blogger Jerrster said...

ms m....I got one joke.

Two Cannibals are eating a clown
and one says to the other

"Does this taste funny to you?"

that's all I got honey.

At 4/14/2006 9:29 AM , Blogger Queenmatrai said...

LOL jerr that joke will go down in history as the jerrdog joke...

Hope ur better...come back


At 4/15/2006 11:32 AM , Blogger Ms. M said...

Lily, for shame to Mr. F! He really should consult you before telling jokes, dontcha think??? Mr. F, what out..Lily's comin for ya! I hear she's pretty darn tough! Go get him Lil!

webmiztris, when it rains it poors. Happens to me like that!

cp, Your''s breathtaking! It's like the siren's song! I think I'm in love!! Fucky sucky!! oh baby! Music to my ears!

Jerry, dude, that's not funny, human flesh is like mother's milk to me!

Noojes, This month will go down in history as the month I lost my mind...truly!


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