Ms. M:

Running With Scissors

April 26, 2006

I Need A New Look

This is a call to arms! I need ya'll's help.

Is anyone else (besides me) tired of my blog design? I'm sick of seeing bagels and cookies and shit. I am ready to commission a blog designer. Any ideas? I love the idea of a retro look. The trailer trash thing is totally cool. I was thinking something along the lines of a retro-look Betty Paige dominatrix type thingy. Any takers on that idea?? Or maybe, because I AM the Divine Ms. M, perhaps a throne for my precious ass (way full of lard) to perch upon while I admire my haggard image in a hand mirror. Too narcissistic? Believe me, I'm not a narcissist, but I thought it might be fun to be a bad girl. Anyway, it's time for a change. Something that reflects the real me so I guess both of those ideas are ridiculous!

Some thoughts to ponder:

  • I'm busier than a mo-fo these days with work and getting ready to move in with the BF since my lease is up. Also trying to get pre-qualified for a home loan and house hunting.
  • My job and customer are making me crazy.
  • Got a great new job I'm starting in 3 weeks and I'm just chomping at the bit to start.
  • I'm a single mother of an almost 16 year old boy.
  • I am constantly on the run all over this damn city (to my dismay).
  • I have a little Parson Russell Terrier named Phoebe who has become the the little girl I never had. The dog gets babied by me like she was a REAL baby. I'm sick.
  • Clean? Who has time to clean? I'm lucky I get to shower each day, let alone keep my house in tip top shape.

Okay, my life is a tornado of activity and it is wearing me out! That being said, I'm thinking... me in a business suit, with a tornado for legs, with a bag of groceries in one hand, Phoebe in the other, then another hand/arm holding my ringing cell phone, another hand typing on a laptop, my hair blowing around, bags under my eyes from lack of sleep, and a sullen looking teenager in the background. Perhaps a shot of tequila just out of reach of yet another hand??? I would have to change my blog title too. I'm thinking my gravatar/icon could be a cartoon version of me with blinders on, sawing logs, getting much needed sleep!

Whatdya think?


At 4/26/2006 9:52 AM , Blogger Speckledpup said...

I'm really no good at this...

But maybe you should engage your inner desire.

my friend at
always wanted to belly dance. her new design is so cool...

me, I'm the boring pupster.
your design now always makes me hungry.

At 4/26/2006 10:30 AM , Blogger June Cleaver's Revenge said...

I'm so exhausted from reading about your busy life that I can't think! Where do you get your energy?

At 4/26/2006 12:57 PM , Blogger Queenmatrai said...

Mmmmmmmmm Tequila :)

Sorry html idiot = Noojes

At 4/26/2006 1:26 PM , Blogger Ms. M said...

Pup, I get hungry too so I REALLY want to change it!

JCR, What energy? I'm a walking, talking, sleep deprived zombie!! Somebody save me!

Noojes, I stopped drinking tequila a long time ago, but some times ya just need it! For medicinal purposes of course!

At 4/26/2006 5:22 PM , Blogger Webmiztris said...

the best thing would be to go to a blog with a design you really like and see who it's designed by and email them. then you know you'll get exactly the type of site you like!

At 4/26/2006 5:46 PM , Blogger fyrchk said...

Cat at BlogTogs did mine. I told her what I wanted and she made it happen. She did Laurie from Beauty and the Beer and HDW from Green Apple Martini's too.

Just a thought. :)

At 4/26/2006 9:51 PM , Blogger wilde_thought said...

Damn. Didn't you just change your blog some time ago?

But then again I don't get around much like I used to.

I actually like the clean, fast load-up of your current blog. Yea. Get rid of the cookies. (I do like watching Giada's cookies, however, on the Cooking Channel. Wowsa!)

At 4/27/2006 10:40 AM , Blogger Fig said...

Sweetie I'm all for the plain simple blogs too. That's why I got rid of the whole sidebar thing.

I like yours... it does load easily and that means a lot because here in Bedrock... we still have dialup.

At 4/27/2006 2:37 PM , Blogger Ms. M said...

webmiztris: I want it simple, yet reflecting the complicated life that I lead...should be easy enuff....I HOPE

fyrchk: I will definitely check into her portfolio!

wilde: I DID change my blog template to this current one, and I liked it for a while, but it's just not me. It does load quickly which I like too.

lily: I want simplicity, but again, something that reflects my pyschotically busy lifestyle. I need a long vacation on a tropical island, preferably deserted! Then I could just have a palm tree on a beach with a corona commercial feel to it so you only see a hammock or the back of a lounge chair with a hand hanging over the side, holding a big froofy drink!

At 4/27/2006 11:30 PM , Blogger Ms. M said...

Mr F, I seriously hope it is a perfect reflection of me!

At 4/29/2006 8:32 PM , Blogger Kelly said...

What about you sitting on your throne admiring yourself in a hand mirror while all that is around you is going mad?

Do you see what I'm saying?

You could make your blog the only thing that you actually sit still for... ??

I'm really bad with this stuff--sorry.

At 5/08/2006 8:08 AM , Blogger phlegmfatale said...

My parson russell terrier is MY baby girl. I got her as a pup 15 years ago. Tuesday post on my blog is going to have a picture of her. I'll bet Phoebe is fabulous - they're the best little dogs ever. I love when they go into turbo mode - it's so cute.


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