Ms. M:

Running With Scissors

July 06, 2006

Is There Air Conditioning In Hell?

My paternal grandma died on Saturday, 7/1. I was a saddened by the news as my mother delivered it to me, but I didn't cry or get terribly upset.

Do I sound heartless? She was almost 88 (would have been tomorrow).

My grandma and I had a tense and very strained relationship. She hated my mother, but a few months ago she told my dad to bring my mom around (my mother hasn't seen her in years on purpose), that she loved her and wanted to apologize for being so mean. Death bed redemption I suppose.

My grandma has always been a sickly person. My whole life she rarely got out of her electric lift recliner. She had horrible degenerative rheumatoid arthritis. She pretty much didn't have joints. During her last few years living in a nursing home she couldn't feed herself because she couldn't grip her utensils. She couldn't give herself a drink because she couldn't lift her cup. What's worse, someone stole her bottom dentures so she only had her top ones. Who fucking does this???

My mother didn't grant Grandma's wish. But, she did go with my father to my dad's hometown of Effingham, IL to her wake and funeral which takes place tomorrow (ironically on her birthday).

My grandma once told my mother that she was a loose woman with the morals of an alley cat. She didn't like my mother, a twice divorced, single mother of one. Plus, she really didn't like that my mother was two years older than my dad and then I was born out of wedlock.

Here's the sitch. The real "meat and potatoes" of it. My parents dated while my dad was in college. My mom owned a beauty salon and worked part time as a waitress at the Moose club where my pops bartended. She was not yet divorced from her second husband, who was physicially abusive to her so much that she left him. She just hadn't gotten divorced yet. They dated for quite a while, then pops graduated and went off to teach at a highschool in another town.

Mom was prego with me by then and didn't know what the heck she was gonna do. She actually went back to her loser, abusive hubby and tried to convince him I was his (she was already 3 mos pregnant). He took her back, but wasn't kind to her or my older sister. In fact, when she was within a week of delivery he beat her and chased her into the bathroom where she locked herself in. She waited for him to leave then packed her things and got a neighbor to help her put her things in her car. She never went back. A week later I was born.

My pops never knew there was a "me" on the way until my maternal grandmother and step grandpa drove to where he lived and laid it on him like a ton of bricks. They told him what my mother had been going through and that I was about to be born.

Needless to say my pops was floored. Grams's says he turned white as a sheet and just sat there with bugged eyes and gaping mouth.

The bad part was my dad was engaged to marry this wannabe beauty queen chick. Some skinny blonde. He told her what was going on, about my mom and me. She took it well I guess, but eventually wrote him a Dear John letter. Lucky for me. Yah, Grandma was pissed. And that's the understatement of the century. She wanted a beauty queen daughter in law. Yah, get over it.

The day I was born my grandparents snuck my pops into the hospital. I looked just like him. In fact our baby pics are nearly identical. Freaky.

Needless to say, my pops and mom got married seven months later after she divorced the bully. They've been together ever since.

I think I got off track.

I didn't go to my grandma's funeral. I feel a bit guilty about it, but my parents don't think I should. If my mom's mother were to die I would be there. She's always been in my life and has always been very good to me and my pop. Grandma Pops was mean sometimes. She would just get evil on your ass with no warning. I suspect she had borderline personality disorder.

Anyway, my pop's side of the family is wacked. My uncle may be the only sane one and I question even that because the dude went from Democrat to staunch Republican. What is it with Catholics??? I think it was my freak cousin Bill's doing. He's a militant Christo-Republican, as my dad likes to call them. So freakin' Catholic that he and his wife have kneelers in their bedroom for prayer! Their walls are covered with pictures of Christ and they have crucifixes in every room. I wonder if they are attempting to ward off the devil or something?

Anyway, I am a former Catholic so I believe that my dad's side of the family thinks I'm doomed to the pits of hell for all eternity. I just don't believe in organized sue me.

I guess Grandma Pop's continued bible thumping and her hating on my mom was enough to make me disengage myself from the family. I'm sure Grandma blamed my mother for that too. Didn't matter what the issue was, my "whore" mother got the blame.


About 3 years ago I was passing through my pop's home town and stopped to visit my uncle and aunt. Unfortunately my uncle insisted that I see Grandma. She looked horrible. Sad and old, and long white hair. She had fallen and gotten a black eye months before and it was still there. At that time she had both top and bottom dentures so she talked normally. She was glad to see me. She acted like there had been no bad blood between us. Years before I had torn into her and put her in her place when she blamed my mother for something that my cousin (my dad's sister's kid) did to my younger sister (stabbed her in the head with a big kitchen knife for being nice to a boy my cousin liked. Yah, I know what you're thinking...Fucking INSANE). She and my aunt said to me that kids turn out the way they do because of the mother. "Interesting how it's Suzie that stabbed my sister, I guess you have to take the blame for that one don'tcha Aunt C!!!!" I yelled at them over the phone. Now sweet little Suzie Q is in jail for counterfitting money. Can we say "sweet vindication???? "

Maybe I sound mean, but DAMN that woman could be evil! My cousin (pre-religious & Republican fanatacism) called me up to congratulate me because Grandma had been doing the same thing to his mother for years. He said he was glad that someone had finally torn Grandma a new asshole. "Amen to that," I said.

Okay, maybe I should get way beyond the old stuff and move on...I have done so, truly. I guess there was just so much bad blood. She alienated us from that side of the family because of her sneaky, manipulative ways. The woman actually faked amnesia to get us to come visit her! She was always faking something or saying something nasty about someone. If kharma exists, Grandma's in for an even uglier next life. If it doesn't I sure hope there is air conditioning in hell.


At 7/06/2006 2:37 PM , Blogger Lynn Green said...

I guess the facile answer is, "Have we learned anything from this?" Seriously, I hope that you have learned how to regard the dignity of those within your circle. I can see your basic intelligence. You certainly understand human frailty. We are linked for better or worse to our families. The one thing we can control is how we treat those with who are linked to us through blood.

Your father seems like a decent man from what you say here about him.

Good luck with everyone else.

At 7/06/2006 3:01 PM , Blogger Speckledpup said...

are we cousins?

You could be talking about my family.
At least you have the gumption to blog about it...I'm still in denial and trying to forget.

You did the right thing. People hate religion because of hypocryts. Why go and 'pay your respects" at a funeral when there is no respect to pay....

good post.

At 7/06/2006 3:14 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I wouldn't feel an ounce of guilt.
You're just putting closure on this and that's a good thing.
I DID enjoy the story of your parents and your entry into the world! Just goes to show that your Dad was not destined to marry that blonde bimbo beauty queen in the first place!

At 7/06/2006 3:27 PM , Blogger Ms. M said...

Lynn, my father is a decent man despite the mother he was forced to grow up with. I thank heaven my mother is not like Grandma Pops! I will be inconsolable at her funeral without a doubt!

speckledpup, strangely I wasn't planning to blog about my emergence into the world. It just sort of spilled out! It's nice to know there are others with dysfunctional relatives who can relate to my freakish family!

j, I thank my lucky stars he married my mom instead of her skinny royal wannabe highness. She hates my mom too! 36 years later! Obviously Mom's not crying over that.

At 7/07/2006 9:29 AM , Blogger Ms. M said...

Mr. F, you said a mouthful.

At 7/08/2006 2:06 AM , Blogger RC said...

who what a story, and just think all that crummy stuff in your life was going on before you were even born, and yet it still effected you.

kind of an interesting thing to think about.

but i suppose the funeral is over, you didn't go...not a big deal...move on and live your life.

--RC of

At 7/08/2006 9:25 AM , Blogger Ms. M said...

sage, Do you think I'm overexposing???

RC, A lot of the way my grandma treated my mother was based on the fact that I came along. I don't think my dad ever introduced her prior to my birth. I don't know for sure. But, you're right. Live and let die, move on and live some more.

At 7/09/2006 8:58 PM , Blogger Maven said...

Oh hon, there is no doubt about it... she was borderline personality disorder! Shit... faking amnesia to get you to visit?

I think that as long as they are alive, there are opportunities for redemption and forgiveness... and for us to figure out exactly who they are or what they mean in our lives. Once they are dead, eventually you'll get to the point where the hurt fades.

I totally latched onto that "disengage from the family" thing...

At 7/17/2006 11:20 AM , Blogger Ms. M said...

Nugget, it seems easier to disengage than to deal with these BPD family members, but it hurts everyone to do that I suppose. I probably should have just had the "put her in her place" talk with Grandma and then advised her that our relationship had to be drama free or I couldn't come visit. Instead I stayed away for years. I guess I was a shitty granddaughter, but he took the cake as manipulative grandma's go. I don't think there ever would have been a happy medium there.


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