Ms. M:

Running With Scissors

May 14, 2006

Random Spewtum

I'd like to thank Nugget Maven for sending me to the most vile photo I've seen in a long time. I cannot get this image out of my mind!

I hope that I haven't ruined ya'll's Mother's Day with such a horrific site! I'm sure many of you nurses have seen worse.

I bought my mother "The DaVinci Code" for Mother's Day. Believe it or not she hasn't read it yet, but she can't wait to see the movie. Of course, she and my father will wait until it comes to DVD to watch it. So, I figured I'd get her the book to prepare her for the movie so she has some deeper knowledge of what is happening that they can't fit into a two hour movie.

Is there anyone else in America who hasn't read this kick ass piece of fiction? I thought the book was great. I have read all of Dan Brown's books and he is one great fictional writer of the thriller genre! The research he has to do to write such detail would wear this chick out! I don't know if I'd be able to do it. Anyway, kudos to Dan Brown.

If you have read the book, who here thinks that Tom Hanks just doesn't fit the physical profile of Robert Langdon? I imagine a taller, blonde, late 30's or early 40's actor. Though I'm sure Tom Hanks will play the shit out of the role, I just keep picturing Robert Langdon as a Jeff Daniels looking guy, only better looking.

Who would you put in the role of Robert Langdon if you had to cast him in "The DaVinci Code."

Okay, I'm out of time, gotta go to the BF's house. He's closer to my new job, which I start tomorrow, and we want to watch Tivo'd Survivor Finale so I gotsta run!!!

Later friendlies!


At 5/14/2006 11:16 PM , Blogger Canada said...

Oh my, I'm glad I'm not the only one!!! For some reason, I picture Sam Neill (without the accent). But I think Tom Hanks does look good as Langdon in the trailers that I've seen (hey, could've been Tom Cruise!)

At 5/14/2006 11:37 PM , Blogger Kelly said...

As much as I read--I've yet to read this book.

I've picked it up a million times in the store, and put it back down. In the back of my mind I fear that people have built it up so much that it will fall flat compared to my expectations.

I know, I know. I should just read it.


Happy Mother's Day M.

At 5/15/2006 12:45 AM , Blogger Maven said...

For me, I can easily see Harrison Ford in this role... he'd be so believable. WTF is up with Hanks' hair??

The book is great. Angels and Demons is better. Same Langdon, better story.

Oh Ms. M? You were warned... it's not my fault if you didn't heed the warning about "barf bag optional."


At 5/15/2006 2:16 AM , Blogger Jerrster said...

trust me, in all my perverted travels...I will never be the one who offers up such an image....that was nasty.

a middle-aged pouf-bunny with a 5 o'clock shadow and who is the bank manager in your town....would have been easier on the soul than that.....WTF?

At 5/15/2006 8:53 AM , Blogger June Cleaver's Revenge said...

I didn't think much of the book so I won't be seeing the movie. Dan Brown's knowledge of math and history are pretty bad, and it was theologically retarded. I don't know anything about art, but I do know the guy's name was LEONARDO, not DaVinci. I couldn't get past all of his errors so I didn't enjoy the book.

If you want to read something a little more, um... cerebral? Foucault’s Pendulum by Umberto Ecco. Wonderful book!

At 5/15/2006 10:27 AM , Blogger mikster said...

I think Harrison Ford...from about 15-20 years ago would've been a decent Robert Langdon...and that is one nasty picture you linked...glad I already ate.

At 5/15/2006 3:16 PM , Blogger Maven said...

Hey Mike, if a prolapsed rectum is hard to stomach, just wait til you check out a prolapsed uterus... I swear at first glance it looks like a human head...

At 5/16/2006 5:15 AM , Blogger Ms. M said...

Canada, Sam Neill is a great actor, but even he seems too old to me. I picture Robert Langdon as young and farm boyishly handsome.

KB, Do I need to send you my copy? Trust me, it’s a quick paced novel and full of twists and turns. I couldn’t put the damn thing down.

nuggetmaven, I agree, Harrison Ford would have been my first pic. It’s SOOO up his alley. He’s just too old, but even older, he still fits better in this role in my mind than Tom Hanks simply for physical characteristics. Robert Langdon is supposed to have a swimmer’s body and be tall and lean. I wouldn’t say that is the case with Hanks, though I do love Tom, I just wouldn’t cast him as a Robert Langdon type. Since the movie is a Ron Howard film I’m sure Hanks was his first choice…as he his for all his big movies.

sage, I just can’t get into Soprano’s this year for some reason and the same for Big Love. I Tivo it, but just don’t watch it. I’m a dork, I know.

jerry, Yup, those bank managers in drag are much easier on the eyes than that image…EGAD! Sorry to turn your stomach Jer!

JCR, You’re teacher by chance? I just enjoyed the plot. I kept me riveted. Dan Brown, to me, has a great imagination. I wish I could write something that would capture the attention of a reader or millions of them. Alas, I am but a semi-brainless twit looking for a bit of excitement in a fictional book to spice up my lowly existence. I’m sorry you didn’t enjoy it. I’ll check out the other book you suggested!

mike, Harrison Ford…Right on brother. Sorry for the gross pic. Nugget Maven can really find some nasty shit!

Nuggetmaven, Oh.My.God.NOOOOOO

Mr. F, Maven, she is one special gal for sure! Maybe she can be your virtual wife when you blog. That way you’re not really a bigamist, just enjoying a different life on a different plane of existence. Isn’t the web fabulous?

At 5/16/2006 8:41 AM , Blogger karen! said...

EEEWwwwwweee! -about the picture! Took a while to figure out what that was! Yuck!
I once had extremely bad hemmerhoids after being pregnant. Perhaps I should have taken a picture of it for the internet?? It would have been gross!

At 5/16/2006 9:44 AM , Blogger Maven said...

Karen, I doubt if it would be the grossest thing I've seen:) Your 'roids probably would be "cute" by comparison!

At 5/17/2006 1:06 PM , Blogger Ms. M said...

Karen: TMI!

Maven: Maven, I agree. Not many hemmoroids look to as bad as that!

tense teacher: Matthew McConaghey. I just don't know. Ya know I even see Anthony Edwards in this role, but he couldn't play it as well as Hanks I'm sure. Hanks just doesn't fit the physical profile in the book.

funny thing: What would your brother do with a pic like that or should I ask???

At 2/09/2010 3:35 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...


I found your post after doing a Google search to see if anyone else out there also thought Sam Neill would make a good Robert Langdon! Just thought you'd like to know!


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