Hurry Up and Wait!
Damn, it's raining outside today. Rain always makes me feel gloomy and tired. I do love the rain on a summer day on a lazy afternoon, but today is not a lazy afternoon for me!
In truth, I am exhausted after the BF wore my ass out last night! WHEW! That man knows how to turn me inside out!
But today, I need my energy. I'm supposed to be packing and cleaning, but I cannot bring myself to do it!
What is wrong with me? I know I'm on a deadline, but I just can't force it!
I think I am a waste of human flesh sometimes. I guess I'm just lazy, but the task ahead of me seems so daunting. Considering where my stress level is I guess I just keep pulling back from the task at hand.
I'm a pack rat.
That, dear friends, is the problem. Why this task IS so daunting to me.
I am getting rid of everything I don't need.
If you are also a pack rat you know that getting rid of things is hard because you always imagine you'll need something down the road and try to hold onto it.
Inevitably that always seems to be what happens to me.
But, I'm going to just do this and fughettaboutit!
Hopefully, my next post will be about how much work I've done and that I'm either done or nearly done.
Pray for a procrastinating bitch!
Hey, I'm a packrat, too! I think it runs in my family. I always admire those people who have the minimalist houses..just bare furniture..I wonder where are their old bills and bank statements? Anyhow, that's not me!!
Damn, ditto to that!
Mr. F, Okay, not literally, just wore ME out...backdoor is NOT an option! I don't want my backdoor looking like this!
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