Monday, Monday
Those who hate Mondays please raise your hand!
I'm working from home today and still Monday sucks. I'm still running reports from February that I have had trouble running since 3/1. Finally they're running!! Fuckin-aye!
But, still it's Monday. I know because the dog peed and shit on my living room carpet. Yah, it's almost a comfort to know that life still has it's constants. Yep..a joy. Heh.
It IS a beatiful day in Georgia, however. I breathed in the fresh air and felt revitalized! There's nothing like a beautiful spring day and the smell of all the new growth of nature to renew the spirit! I feel it and I LOVE it! Spring and Fall are definitely my favorite seasons. The smells, the colors, the tempuratures. It all conspires to make for comfort and nostalgia.
I always remember playing in the spring showers as a kid, jumping in puddles and tasting the rain on my tongue. Things you enjoy as a child seem to be burdens when you're an adult. When did we change our perceptions without realizing it? I guess when you're an adult you start to care about your appearance and you have agendas and schedules that rain can wreak havoc on.
It's sad.
As a child, spring meant that school only had about eight or nine weeks left. I remember thinking those eight or nine weeks would never finish! I lived for the summer when I was a kid. No school meant swimming, climbing trees (yes, I was a tomboy), playing softball and tennis, riding my bike, camping trips, family vacations. I loved it!
I miss it!
What is really sad is that my son has not had the experiences I enjoyed as a child. He has played outside with his friends when he was younger, but he was not a big sports fan so did not enjoy playing sports like I did. But, he was big into building forts and playing "Power Rangers" and goofy stuff like that. I guess that's the difference between boys and girls, even tomboys.
I guess I'm just nostalgic for the days of my childhood. I remember thinking as I entered my twenties that my childhood wasn't very eventful or fun. But, looking back now I realize that childhood was truly the best days of our lives if we could see past all our incidents of childhood bullies and getting into trouble for doing something we shouldn't. I know other kids may not have had the same experiences or even the childhood they deserved. I wish I could have changed it for them.
I only hope that my son will look back on his childhood with the same fondness that I feel. Yes, I fought with my sisters, yes I fought with my parents. But, I had a best friend that liked the same things I liked and we had FUN. Her family was my extended family and vice versa. It was great having her around. Unfortunately we've lost touch. I know I could find her, but she's got a big family of her own and I know we don't have much in common anymore. That is truly one of the saddest parts of looking back on my childhood.
I am thankful that I do still have a couple of people in my life from my childhood, or at least my adolescence. KB and, my man, D (aka Pablo) are still around. They help me wax nostalgic often. KB and I reminisce about our later lives, after college and early twenties, when we really tore it up. We had so much fun, but still, it wasn't childhood. I remember, the summer before eigth grade when poor KB got strep throat and mono and spent the whole summer in the house. Damn did she look miserable! We used to go watch the County Fair Queen pageant every summer, with her mom and her Aunt Brenda. Yah, we even got to know some of the carnies we were at that damn fair so often! SCARY!
Now, we live in two different states, but we still keep in touch as often as we can. Blogging sure does help. Thanks Kel, for introducing me to it! I'll see you in June! Clear your schedule!
Damn Monday's make me sentimental.
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