Ms. M:

Running With Scissors

January 01, 2006

Duff: "HO" or NO

D, my boyfriend, pondered a good question last night while we were watching "Dick Clark's New Years Rockin' Eve 2006" at a party.

D: When do you think Hilary Duff will make the cross over to the slutty image to keep up with Britany Spears, Christina Aquilera and Lindsay Lohan?

Me: You think Lindsay Lohan is there already?

D: She's pretty much there.

Me: I guess so, but I think Hilary Duff has to worry about Disney.

D: What has Disney done for her?

Me: Made her a star! But ugh! Those TEETH! Her caps are bigger than she is!

So, what is your opinion everyone? When do you think Hilary Duff will turn on her inner whore to sell records and promote herself? Or do you think she will at all? I mean she's not hanging out with Paris "Snatchy" Hilton yet and she's not married to some white trash wannabe break dancer. She's also not divorcing her boy-band husband like Jessica "Retard" Simpson. I think her image with Disney is too important to her. Let me know what your thoughts are. Is she gonna go 'ho' or no?


At 1/02/2006 12:07 AM , Blogger Maven said...

Look at those dark circles under her eyes! I'd say she's on something, either that or she needs to get her gall bladder checked.

And those veneers! Can you say HORSEY?

But re: Ho or No, I'd say since she and LiLo are not chummy, she'll do whatever she can to make herself separate and distinct, and not be so lemminglike, like BrittBritt and Christina Aguillera (PS: I think Christina has dropped quite a bit of the slutfactor, IMHO).

At 1/02/2006 10:53 AM , Blogger Ms. M said...

Ya know, I don't think she can act her way out of a wet paper bag so I bet, as she gets a tad older, the slut factor will go way up. She'll be looking for movie roles to showcase her anorexic bod and she'll be a baaaaaaaaaaaaaad girl!

At 1/03/2006 5:26 PM , Blogger Maven said...

I can easily see her going the way of Elizabeth Berkley.

And if you were to ask, "Who is Elizabeth Berkley?" You just proved my point!

At 1/03/2006 10:14 PM , Blogger Ms. M said...

U mean Elizabeth Berkley, formerly of Saved By The Bell and then she went and did a stinker of a movie called Showgirls? Yup, she screwed herself and probably a few casting agents.

At 1/06/2006 8:40 PM , Blogger Kelly said...

In my opinion, R's ex-girlfriend strongly resembles the pre-purging, pre-chompers, pre-slutty Hillary. I know, that really sucks. Who can compete with something like that? Fortunately, Hil became a lot less attractive, and I can rest again!


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