Ms. M:

Running With Scissors

December 23, 2005

Okay, so I'm easy

KB commented that I should have chosen Jessica Rabbit as my profile image so I changed it from Betty Boop to Jessica Rabbit.

Okay, I'm easy! I am easily swayed and talked into things. Must be why I have a 15 year old son and no dad paying me child support! YES, I'M AN IDIOT AS WELL! Kinda goes hand in hand with being easy doesn't it?

Don't let this change your opinion of me. I'm much older and wiser now. I'm not the bubble headed 19 year old that I was when I became knocked up. I have become a hard, shrewd working woman (NO, not a hooker!) who is known for getting the job done (get your mind outta the gutter!) and being reliable.

That being said, yes I'm STILL easy, but mostly when it comes to my boyfriend who thinks he need only to walk through the door for my legs to open. But give me a break! I'm in my sexual prime! Besides, what man would turn down hot, lusty sex from a woman who promises a clean workspace and a drawn out BJ when he gets home from a long day of work, including a warm meal with that booty (again, mind out of the gutter, I'm talking about food).

So, I guess Jessica Rabbit properly conveys my sexual prime and the sensuality I feel when my boyfriend home. I think it is his pheromones, but it could be his fat meat pole filling my tight little hole (he wanted me to write that).

See, easy.


At 12/23/2005 6:55 PM , Blogger wilde_thought said...

If the doctor suspects and there's services available in the area, your sister should get her boy evaluated. Check on the insurance. It might cover the evaluation and any subsequent treatmets like speech and occupational therapy if needed.

In the long run it doesn't change who your nephew is but knowing what areas he needs assistance with early in his life will be a big help to him later.

I wish your nephew the best.


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