Babe in Foodland

I guess the holidays weren't so bad, except I'm now broke. One of the highlights was that I got a lovely yeast infection. Thankfully there are fast cures over the counter for these horrific little nasties that I had to partake of. HOW did I get a yeast infection??? I guess holiday stress probably didn't help, and, OH YAH, the temporary menopausal drug I'm on drastically changing my hormones. Damn doctors...
The last thing to end the year is New Years Eve. I have a party to go to at a friend's house. Should be lots of fun. She always throws humdingers. I'm taking my boyfriend to this party, he's just arriving here today from Nevada. He's going to be living here now and he has no friends except little ole me. Poor guy is going to be thrown into the fire with these folks, several of which are co-workers of mine. I'm taking a cheesecake ball with graham cracker sticks as my contribution to the food. Nothing like fattening food to make a party better! I guess I gotta get some beer or vodka or some beverage to take. But I'm broke! Christmas sucks.
I got a couple of gifts this year that made me wonder what people were thinking. Okay, not really. I guess I mentioned that I might have either wanted or needed these things, but only mentioned it in passing a while ago. My boyfriend got me a toaster oven (how romantic). My parents got me a crockpot (gifted from my 15 year old son). Does EVERYONE I'm close to want me to cook for them? I enjoy cooking but only when it's not going to take a ton of prep work and I don't have to be on top of it the whole time it's cooking. Looks like these people know me. I'm glad they didn't get me something different actually. I can enjoy the benefits of these items for years to come. I do love to eat as do my son, my parents, and my boyfriend. Looks like we'll all be gaining some more weight. Crap.
Since D, my BF, arrives today I have a little cleaning to do. Yes, some housecleaning, but more importantly, some personal grooming, as I'm sure you can imagine. It's a tad time-consuming, but it's all worth it in the end! He's a genius downtown and I will do what he wants with that department, even dye it purple if he so chooses, as long as he doesn't deprive me of his spectacular talent! So, I must get busy! I only have a few hours before he arrives and LOTS to do besides the personal grooming thing. Gotta run...
It ain't yeasty anymore! I fixed the problem before it got out of hand. Those MF'rs are a bitch!
R got me (among other things) an electric roasting pan. Once I opened it he immediately said, "what are you going to make?" LOL How transparent was that?
Yogurt is your friend:)
It has been my experience, that as long as you are clean, most men could really care less whether we have shaved or done our toenails, provided they have free access.
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