Blue Christmas
It's 2:55 AM and I have no child home tonight and I'm sitting at my computer, blogging. It's Friday night/Saturday morning and I did nothing exciting. True, it is Christmas Eve and everyone is busy shopping their brains out, last minute, to make this Christmas a merry one. Why am I not then?
Good question, self.
I guess it's safe to say we all get a little bit of the "holiday blues" this time of year and I am no exception. I'm tired, cranky, exhausted and perpetually broke. I make good money, but there seems to be a leak in my wallet and checking account. Where DOES the money go?
The blues aren't helped by the fact that children want everything they see. Much as I want to give my son all that he desires, I don't have a money tree growing in my backyard. Wouldn't it be fabulous if someone actually created a hybrid tree of some sort that actually produced currency? I'd buy 10 of them! And buy more with the money that would grow!
Dreams...pipe dreams.
I know this Christmas will be fine. My son is getting some of the things he really wants and needs and I am grateful to be able to provide these things and grateful that I have a family who will provide as well and assure my son a good Christmas. Every kid deserves that much. Sad that all children can't have it. Makes me want to run out and adopt underprivelidged children from the four corners of the earth as well as here in the U.S.
It's just this time of year makes you reflect and realize that we don't have it so bad. Yes, gas prices are high, interest rates are going up and the middle class can't get a break. In the long run, we have to at least see that we have roof's over our heads, food in our tummy's and clothes to keep us warm. The best part is that we have family and friends to warm our hearts.
Strange, this coming from the woman who spews gratuitous nonsense and bitchiness, I know. I'm said woman and it's weird even for me. It's just late, and I'm sober, as usual, and I feel compelled to think about the state of my life and my family. I think everyone should reflect at the end of a year, most do in fact, that's how New Year's resolutions are born.
This year has been a tough one for me financially, but I am hoping to bust out of my sack of dreariness and rise above it all, make more money and manage it much better. A new job may be on the horizon and I hope it pans out. 2006 should start off well and I hope to help it along to be even better.
So to all who are reading my drivel, I'm sorry I'm not bitching up a storm of sex and vomitous remarks. You'll have to forgive me...or not. Do what you will, but have a decent holiday and hug your kid for me.
as i grow older i understand better that what kids really *need* is to not get everything they want. and, of course, to have love surrounding them. all the best to you and yours.
But you've got me, Twatty:)
Merry Christmas to you, Divine!
Perhaps there is some thankfulness even in bitching.
so much fun chatting with you ladies! (should I use that term losely?) Twatty, Nugget, TJ, have a happy holiday and get snockered on eggnog for me! I haven't had drink one so far, even though I suppose I do sound quite maudelin in my post! SCARY HUH?
Stumbled onto your page...
Interesting read :)
Merry Xmas and Happy holidays
Heya :)
Xmas dinner was a total of 6 different types of meat :)...
Yeah we actually counted...
Turkey, Ham, Prawn, Crab, Fish and Lamb...
SO much fo traditional Xmas dinner but then hey this is India ;)
Marn--you stole my Hallelujah! Well, I've been switching back & forth between the two... so it's not mine I suppose.
Hope your Christmas was good. Tell your fam I say hello.
Oh, and less than 48 hours till D-man arrives!
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