Ms. M:

Running With Scissors

December 15, 2005

This World Tires Me

*Too many cars.

*Too many people rushing around.

*Too many channels to watch on t.v.

*Too many people at work to get to know.

*Too many demands from my clients.

*Too many demands from my teenager.

*Too many dickholes to deal with.

As much as the world may tire me, I hope to one day acquire enough energy for...

*Having a lot more sex (wait, I have enuff for that!).

*Singing my lungs out and tap dancing till my feet fall off.

*Verbally and physically beating some deserving beotch down... just once.

*bitch-slapping my younger sister...a lot.

*FORCE FEEDING my skinny-ass younger sister so she would get FAT.

*Kicking my dad in the shins for being a controlling ass.

*Kicking my mother in the ass for putting up with his shit.

*Getting off the medication I'm on so I wouldn't be in temporary menopause anymore.

*Ripping out the uterus of my gynecologist for putting me on it.

*Having MY uterus removed so my pain would go away.

*Beating my teenage son severely so he would understand that I'M IN CHARGE.

I need energy and big, hairy balls to accomplish all these things. but because I'm bone weary and have no balls to speak of...I'll have to keep dreaming about doing them.

Someday a few of these items will definitely come off this list as completed.
Stay tuned.......


At 12/17/2005 10:58 AM , Blogger Kelly said...

Ahaahaha Marn! You're too funny! You can do all of those things--just do it! You know I would--LOL.

At 12/19/2005 11:49 AM , Blogger Maven said...

I don't think you need "hairy" balls, I think you need a set of TITANIUM ones. My attitude re: kids? Break 'em while they're young.

At 12/19/2005 11:50 AM , Blogger Maven said...

Re: Toxic Twat... WHOAH YES! Wouldn't that be ironic?


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