Bimbo's and rich dumbass men

What is it with young, twentysomething girls? If they're thin and pretty, or even cute, they think their smokin' hot! Well, I don't mind that so much, but what I do mind is how they use their "hotness" to pick up available, and some not so available, men. But I'm not talking about the good kind of guy. I'm talking about the not so hot, or even ugly, loser who buys the Mercedes or Porsche just to pick up these type of shallow women. Women who, no doubt, can't wait to start reaping the benefits of these wealthy, ridiculous men who probably have dicks the size of tootsie rolls or they wouldn't need the fancy cars to pick up women.
What is it with these two types of people? Have they NO self respect? It's enough to make a person hurl, but it also is difficult to enjoy a night out when these hot women command a room by showing almost all of their assets in their microscopic clothing. I mean, you can't help but stare at these train wrecks in awe. They're freaks, and they cause commotion which disrupts my good time with friends. I don't need to pick up a guy in a bar, I would rather die. These women use these men and then make them think all women are users. Well boys (at least those with the big cars and tiny penises)...You ain't helping keep sane women's opinions of men in a good light either. Why can't these bimbos stop using their tits and stop thinking of dollar signs? And why can't these loser men stop thinking of said tits and stop using their cars/money to get dates. You're all shallow folk and I think you all need to be moved to another planet to breed your type so the rest of us sane folk can lead our lives, freak free!!!
Yup, I'm a potty mouth. Can't help it, don't want to! Thanks for the comment. I'll keep speaking my mind and enjoying your comments. God forbid bimbo's and losers procreate! They should all be sterilized!
Amen. I always recoil when I see a 20-something twit and her decrepit money bag. It's really tantamount to prostituion.
it mostly boils down to sex and money, do you agree?
Yes Wade, that's all it's about. Sickening isn't it? Liz hit it on the's tantamount to prostitution. ICK.
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