Ms. M:

Running With Scissors

December 19, 2005

"I'm Not An Animal!"

I'm going to kick Kelly's ass...she has tagged me like an animal! Just wait Kel, I'm a comin' for ya!

Okay, I guess I'm supposed to list 5 weird habits I have and then tag 5 others to do the same, and so on and so forth. I hope I don't tag people who have already been tagged...this could backfire on everyone who blogs because it appears we all seem to talk to each other!

  1. I talk to my boyfriend 4-5 times a day, he lives in Las Vegas, I live in Atlanta.
  2. When I don't have to work, I don't shower! I have no energy so why waste it on showering when I'm not going anywhere anyway! Now, if I DO happen to leave the house, if I look okay, I won't shower, but if my hair is sticking up and doing weird things, then I'll shower.
  3. I'm a serious bargain shopper. I try to only buy things that are on sale.
  4. I'm obsessed with my teeth. They have to be white and they have to be clean! They're my best feature so don't judge me!
  5. I watch gruesome medical shows with avid interest, grossing everyone else out.

Okay, now that that's done. Who's next?

The Pissed Kitty Cometh
Because I laugh my ass off...she's gotta have some good ones.

Toxic Twat
She gave me curse words in foreign languages!

The Adventures of Twatwaffle Jones
She gets me.

Bored Housewife
She has some serious talent!

A Redhead in Austin
I like her blog...


At 12/19/2005 10:52 AM , Blogger Bored Housewife said...

Looks fun! I'll probably wait until tomorrow to do it, so if I don't, feel free to remind me. :) have somethin' riiight....there...I think it's spinach... heee

At 12/20/2005 7:24 PM , Blogger Wade said...

So the shower thing...
if you had a shaved head like me and bad hair was not an issue, would you ever shower?

I probably shower 6 days per week on average...
I other words, I skip a day or two once in a while... but never two consecutive days.
And turn that moderation thing off. Its deflating to not have your comments show up. (You can always delete them if you don't like them...)

At 12/22/2005 8:49 AM , Blogger Ms. M said...

You're right Wade, this moderation thing is a bitch and must die of gonnorhea. I'm turning it off!

If I was bald or shaved my head I would probably only showever every other day. I just don't see the point when there's no hair to worry about so much and it's not like I'm rolling around in a mud pit or working in a sweat shop! I just get very dry skin if I shower every day and I've recently started getting dry scalp too. It's my meds...they suck. I'll go back to my old self soon enough when this course of meds is done! YIPEE!

At 12/22/2005 9:21 AM , Blogger Ms. M said...

TT, I love those shows! All I wanted when I was younger was to be a doctor...unfortunately, I got preggers in college and made a fateful decision. I now get to watch rather than do. So, I don't kill anyone, which I'm sure is probably a good thing....

At 12/22/2005 11:52 AM , Blogger Wade said...

I know about the skin dryness thing. I have to put moisturizer on my legs and arms to prevent dryness after showering.
I learned that from my wife.
I've blogged about the possibility of being a metrosexual, except I'm neither metro (I live in the real boonies) or sexual (my wife has been selfish and bitchy lately).

At 12/22/2005 1:14 PM , Blogger Ms. M said...

Poor Wade. My boyfriend says he's a metrosexual. I suppose that could be true, however he just bought a rather large Dodge 4 door truck with a hemi and v8. Do metrosexuals drive big, badass trucks? I hope it's not another overcompensation vehicle for it's size, like a Mazarati or a Lotus is for their speed...He doesn't need to overcompensate.


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