Have A Nice F**king Day!
I have never blogged before, so this is a new experience completely! I hope nobody bashes me too bad! But I'll start with one of the things that comes natural to me and that is saying four letter words. I've got a potty mouth. I'm not ashamed to admit it or tell anyone who cares. I can't help myself. I have young nephews whom I constantly have to watch my language around so let me tell you I'll be happy when they get old enough for me to just let 'er rip!!! It's exhausting to say darn instead of damn and shoot instead of shit or freak instead of f**k. Come on! They're just f**king words! People give them meaning. They infer their meanings. I just use them to add color to my conversations and rhetoric. It's quite lovely actually...very freeing to say the least! It gives you a confidence boost too. I think we should just add them to our everyday language and call it a day. Really! Who the f**k cares??? I wasn't much of a "curser" when I was younger, but I made the mistake of working temporarily in a factory setting while in college. Was that ever an education in utilizing the word "F**K!" It was fantastic! It stuck too, I haven't been able to drop the curse words from my vocab at all, but I quit trying to. Maybe when I'm older I'll give it the old college try, but for now...Have a great f**kin' day!
Marny--I love to say f*ck too! "Go f*ck yourself" is my absolute favorite, but I also enjoy "f*ck it" immensely. "Who f*ckin' cares" is yet another one that I utilize quite often. My love for the word f*ck is evidenced by my parrot on a daily basis. She drops the f-bomb regularly! So to this post I say "f*ckin' eh!"
F*ckin' right baby! I love to say it so much it comes out without me even giving it a thought! I'm a bad girl! Lovin' ever f*ckin' minute of it too! I say all those lovelies that you mentioned. So I'm a potty mouth...who gives a flyin' F*CK!
Oh, my Angry Hebrew friend. Are you having a bad day? Are people pissing you off? Ah, such is life. Tell them to go f*ck themselves. I always say do unto others as they do unto you. Isn't that in the bible somewhere? Perhaps I just remember it that way. Oh well, have a great f*cking day!
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