Ms. M:

Running With Scissors

February 08, 2006

Just Kill Me Now.

I've had another one of those ridiculously, assinine days.

I want to strangle MSC (Menopausal Social Climber) here at work. She doesn't let up and acts like she can command my time when she is not, in any way, my superior or my boss.

She wants me to put all my other customers needs off to the backburner while I work on a project for her because she didn't give us enuff time to do the project. She didn't realize the scope of this thing (It's ridiculously huge), she's not doing the work, I AM! BY MYSELF, while she makes promises to the customer and gets on my ass because I can't get the data to come together in the manner she wants it to. C**chsniffer.

In case you were wondering, I am at work, hence the **. I am tring to control my language, but it's f**king hard.

I need a cocktail. I'm leaving to go imbibe a martini. YUM! That may actually brighten what's left of my day.

It's been a real c**chbiter.


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