Ms. M:

Running With Scissors

January 30, 2006

Not a DAMN thing

Did you ever just not have anything to blog about?

I don't have anything exciting to tell. I'm still SORE from the elliptical, but like a trooper, I'll be at the gym this afternoon, giving that puppy Hell.

My dog is getting better at not shitting on the floor. I take her out on a regular schedule and she seems to be adapting to it much better. Life gets hectic sometimes and the schedule gets jacked with and you get crap on the floor. Moving on.

I gotta go back on Weight Watchers. I lost 25 lbs on their points system in 3 months. Not so shabby huh? My mom and I both feel of the weight loss wagon the last month, but I actually fell off in October. Too much business travel, too many killer meals on the road with customer's and team dinners.

I hate my job, what else is new?

Kelly Ripa is a skinny twatgnosher. She had Regis chew her "abc" gum this morning. She is just too freakin' perky in the AM for me. I am on my way out to the door to a business meeting and I can barely keep my eyes open. I didn't get much sleep last night. Not sure why, probably the night sweats/hot flashes I was having. Joy of joys.

Okay, I gotta run.

Happy fuckin' Monday ya'll.


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